Early Stage
Early Stage College Planning
- Are you concerned that your little one is too young to start thinking about planning for college?
- Is your child still in elementary school or younger?
- Are you worried about how to afford more than one child in college?
Why start thinking about college planning now?
- Has your advisor shown you ways other than a 529 College Savings Plan that can help impact your child’s college savings?
- Did you know that it is NEVER too early (or late) to start thinking about planning for college?
- Did you know that there is a way to earn up to a FULL YEAR of college tuition at over 400 participating universities across the US?
- Did you know that some of the benefits of working with a certified college planner is to help you potentially saving thousands of dollars on college costs AND help you earn free college tuition credits?
*free tuition credits earned through qualified college planners at participating universities
Ready to Get Started With Your College Solutions Project?
Email Address info@cpcstl.com
Contact Number: (314) 488-3180
Phone (314) 488-3180
Your Wealth Must Reside Somewhere!
Your wealth must reside somewhere! It must have a permanent place of residence. You must own, control, and have use your money, or you haven’t built any wealth, you just stashed some money away. About 90 % of Americans keep their wealth in either taxable, unavailable, and/or volatile residences that limit what you can do with their money. If what you thought was true about your money, wasn’t true about your money, when would you want to know? I first heard this question from Don Blanton, a fine southern gentleman with a distinct southern Georgia drawl, and I’ve been unable to “unhear” it, since.